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Arhive: Autor

Marijana Kelava

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Lidija Subotić

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Kristina Tabak

Kristina Tabak rođena je 1979. godine u Zagrebu. Nakon završene VII. gimnazije, upisuje Fakultet prometnih znanosti i 2005. postaje magistar cestovnog prometa. 2006. započinje putovanje od financija preko ljudskih resursa do pozicije u managementu IT tvrtke, da bi napokon 2021. ostvarila svoju najveću želju i pridružila vlastitu knjigu svojoj velikoj kolekciji knjiga. (ENGLISH VERSION) Kristina
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Mario James

He is the New York Times bestselling author of Divergent, the first book in a trilogy that she began writing while still a college student.
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Monty Neale

He has written one thousand highly regarded books; a team of experts is presently attempting to grasp their meaning
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Robyn Carver

As an artist and illustrator, he has had his art exhibited at MIT, Yale, New Haven ArtSpace, and the University of Toronto.
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Ria Salinas

Ria lives in rural New Hampshire and does not own a TV. She writes a blog called bitches gotta eat.
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Robert Haigh

He is an architect, designer, and comedy writer. His work across broadly addresses narratives of human experience.
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Dilan Dudley

Her essays and literary criticism have been anthologized widely. She lives in New York with her family.
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Austen Justice

He has flown to Mars and back in one day, and was enthusiastically greeted by the Martians.
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